Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ahhhh Winter

I love all this white stuff!!! I forgot how much fun can be had during the tepid Minnesota winters. My new love is Winter Biking. Yep, I finally did it. I have yet to ride on a trail, but everytime its planned it snows again, and we instead break out the snowshoes and hike the trails.

Andy and I took a little cruise around our neighbor hood, down 13 and back. It's amazing how quickly you tire will slide out from underyou. I plowed through drifts and plow piles. The sidewalks werent plowed so we rode through about 4 inches of snow. Its really quite a thrill, a good core workout, and a good way to keep hold of those handling skills during the off season.

Not to mention its so beautiful out on the trails.

So, Christmas was actually relaxing this year. I think I am going to make a trend of this. Keep the crazy travel to a minimum and limit the number of christmas's we attend. I know this may sound scrouggee but I would prefer to not need a vacation after the Christmas Holiday. Isnt it supposed to be a relaxing time to spend with the ones you love?

All the little ones seemed quite happy with their gifts and us big kids got a few great things as well. Thanks to my Sister for putting together a great array of foods and fun!!

Crazy White out conditions on Highway 52 can also be out for next year. That was quite an experience. I think it took us double the time to get to Pine Island, we could only see about 2 feet in front of the car. It was kind of exhilirating but my shoulders were sore for 3 days afterward from clenching the steering wheel.

Samie, I cant wait for our Spa Trip this weekend, Thank you so much. It will be great to have all the Schoppe Girls together for the day!

Oh Yeah, back to biking.... Tonight the Ladies and I are heading to Lebanon for a Stomping of the trails. When all of us get together its never short of a good time. Definately looking forward to it. We are going to then hit up Doolittles to try out our Jerseys from Pactimo. (I am sure the brews will be a sloshin) We have been working incredibly hard on coming up with a Womens MORC Jersey and its just about complete. I cant wait for the finished product!!

I hope everyone had an absolutely fabulous Christmas!!! Happy New Year!!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Have you ever watched kids playing on a merry go round or listened to the rain lapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

Do you run through each day on the fly? When you ask "How are you?" Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done, do you lie in your bed with the next hundred chores running through your head? Ever told your child, "We'll do it tomorrow." And in your haste, not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch? Let a good friendship die? Just call to say "Hi?

When you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an unopened gift....Thrown away. ... Life is not a race. Take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays!! I hope everyone is enjoying the snow and will be spending your holidays right where you want to be.

I have been going through my photos recapping what a wonderful year it has been. Here are some of my favorite shots. Hope you enjoy.
Matt Horner - 24 Hrs of Afton
SandStone, MN
Ben Moore
Blue cone flower (i think)
Paul Hansen, Bear Naked/Cannondale Pro Rider Woopin everyones butts!
Crazy Clouds (for those of you who dont know me, I spend lots of time starring out into space)
HMMMM! Never seen these creatures before. I saw on Wikipedia that they are called Gesses, or something like that.

Sweet, Sweet Sophie
Okay, Yeah..... This is ridiculous I know, trust me I have thousands of favorites I did spare you.

Football, the way it should be played!

Park Near my office in Eden Prairie, Dang Bees, leave me some honey!!
This obviously isnt natural but it looks cool!

Good Luck next time Vikes

Arent they pretty! Cherry blossoms from my front yard

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Not much going on

Isnt it great to finally have a MN winter!!!!!! It took me 2.5 hrs to get home from work today, that was quite fun. But I always say if its gonna be cold bring on the snow.

I cant wait to get out there and do some snowshoeing and my first attempt and winter mountain biking. I hope everyone is having a great night and safe at home.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Perfect for Biking

Saturday and Sunday where idea weather for mountain biking. I have been feeling pretty beat and have been avoiding working out at all costs. I think I have been on my bike 1/week for the last 4 weeks and thats it. It definately was a well needed break and I got to spend time with my family. I feel like I haven't seen them in forever!

I did not ride last year when it was cold. I was the typical occasional rider who is scared away by the first cold breeze. The bike went upside down from the rafters collecting dust for 7 months while I spent time at the gym and avoided being outside as much as possible.

I finally got up the courage to pull together the needed winter weather gear and hop on my bike for a go of the chilly weather. Saturday was in the low 30's. I met a friend at Salem Hills @ around 9 a.m. in Inver Grove Heights. We had a nice moderatly paced ride. Two loops around, we were both sweatin' buckets. Not bad for a first attempt. I would much rather overdress and shed when needed than go out there are freeze our butts off.

Saturday was so enjoyable that we decided to give it another go on Sunday Morning at the River Bottoms. We were joined by Andy, Kev, and Jamison. The ride was a welcomed change. I havent rode with Andy since the start of the season. He is at such a higher level than me at this point and it just doesnt make sense for us to ride together while we are training.

It was great to have more experienced riders note that progress has been made over the year. I was complimented on the lines I was choosing which was great to hear!!! So much can be learned by riding with others, especially those that excel ones own abilities. If someone is so gracious as to invite you along for a ride. I highly recommend that you go for it. Their asking because they want to ride with YOU! It doesn't matter what level you are at and there is a ton of fun to be had, and great things to be learned.

So next thing to determine. What lights do I buy for night riding and do I buy a new bike or fix up my great, reliable Cannondale. The problem with the cannondale is the shock I want is $428 and the cost to upgrade to the disc brakes I want is $330. Than I also need new rims that can support disc brakes which are quite spending so I could have already bought a new bike with the money out the door.

So I guess the question moves to: full suspension or hardtail?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dual and Montana


so Sorry, I meant to blog a few days back but just havent had it in me. So I did my first Duathlon ever. It was totally kick ass!! ! Because im technically challenged, I dont get much time in my big gear during the mountain bike races. you guessed right. i rode the whole 22 miles of the Dual in my large gear. (I guess I missed alittle due to shifting problems, but for the most part)

This makes me think I need to step it up a notch in the mountain bike races, though i think my prior posts show I was already aware of that. And now I am totally excited to try a sprint. 1/4 mile swim, 22 mile bike, and a 3 mile run.

I have alot to work on, my transitions where 1.25 and 1.45, to give you an idea the leaders transitions times where 19 secs and 25 secs. and my miles where 9.5 min/mile but thats all good. I didnt train for this event so I will take it.

My goal was 2 hrs 10 mins, my hope was under 2 hrs, I ended up finishing in 2 hrs 5 mins so right in the middle of my hope and expectation. I can live with that.

So I just got back from having dinner with a friend. It was a lovely evening but after a couple glasses of wine you may have to forgive my rambling on this post. We had a lovely time and some great in depth well needed conversation.

All goes after some Martinis and a couple glasses of wine.

Last week I was in Bozeman, Montana. It is one of my favorite places so far. There is something about the 360 view of the mountains, the crisp fresh air, and the ability to see the stars, (I forgot how wonderful that is).

I went out to help my boyfriends Dad build his home but unfortunately I wasnt much help. Apparently the tools were lacking for the people available to help. I spent most of my time hiking up the M, Peets Bluff, and Hyalite Canyon.

I had perfect 70 degree sunny weather and also got some good bike rides in to train for my dual. I cant wait to go back!!!!

Well I know this emails alittle choppy, but I will catch up soon. I have a baby shower for my new neice Tiffany tommorrow day, than our MTB awards party tommorrow night, along with a great post season potluck/mtb ride on Sunday with all the wonderful people we have met this year. See you all soon


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Hello Hello Hello

Hello Everyone-

I am feeling rejuvenated today. My friend Tracey and I have been training for the upcoming Duathlon in Osceola, WI. Last night we did our 2nd simulation training. I am amazed at how well it went compared to the first one. I think this is going to go alright afterall.

I am hoping to complete the Dual in approx 2 hrs. Under 2 would be idea but for some reason 2:10 keeps poppin in my head so I will probably be right around that mark. We start with a 3 mile run, than a 18 mile bike ride, than finish it off with a 1 mile run. Which might I add is the hardest part of the whole race.

Something about that rotation motion followed by an actual attempt to walk leaves the legs feeling like limp noodles. I played around with my pedaling techniques in the last mile before the run and found that the legs adapted much better to the run that way.

Than you have you pace yourself, getting off that bike and knowing that you only have 1 mile remaining makes me want to surge to the finish line. I learned quick that if that happens I will burn myself out and have to walk across the finish line. Thats no good, I want to be able to sprint or atleast jog across the line.

Kevin, (Tracys man( and Andy will be cheering us on along with Spongbob from the sidelines.

Fun, Fun, I cant wait, and the last mile is in the town so it will be lined with people to carry us through the hard part.

I am missing my Nieces BDay party for this event, she is turning two. Oh how fast they grow. Happy Early Birthday Ms. Maddy!! Shes so Sweet!!

Andy and I are off to Montana tommorrow. We are helping Andys Dad finish up on the house he is building. Need to get it closed up before the snow flies. He says that it ranges from 40-70 everyday. It should be nice. Bozeman is such a great place!! I will be continuing my training while I am out there so hopefully i get some play time in as well.

Thinking I should probably stay off the mountain bike trails so I dont come home with anything broken.

I am also working on Andy, to get him to commit to the Fruita Fat Tire Festival in Colorado in April. Fat tire beer in the homeland along with great mountain bike trails, races, and raves what more could one ask for.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Jail Trail

The MNSCS racing season has come to a close. It is a bitter sweet time.
I am tired, so it will be nice to have some relaxing time as well as some free weekends. It didnt really dawn on me until after the race, that all the great people we have gotten to know this year we probably wont see until the beginning of the race season next year.

So, After the race we spent some time getting everyones numbers and making plans for the off season. A large group of us also hit up Bravo Burritos in St. Cloud for a final farewell.

The race went well. It was a short one, only 1.5 laps. I had a good start around the parking lot and than in the double track I was passed up by Beth Shedd. She is an excellent rider and I have alot to learn from her.

I kept my position in 2nd throughout the race, each stroke of my pedal I felt stronger and the race was going great. I made a wrong turn about half way through the lap and found another women on my tail.

That kept me pushin hard for the remainder of our race. I am technically challenged and it really helps to have someone on my tail. Its amazing how fast you can make it through rock gardens and sharp corners if you have a placing to hold unto.

When Im by myself in the woods, I tend to loose track of my speed and usually get caught by someone. Its like I transition from race mode into lullygagg mode. Something to work on next year.

I think the biggest thing I have learned from this race season is that I can always push it harder. I was so worried about kicking it out to hard in the beginning of the race and not being able to finish it, That I took it easy at the starts and than tried to peg people off one by one. Well that definately isn't going to get you in the top place.

Even though the Citizen Catagory is seriously lacking in female competition. I have decided to give it one more year. I will train through this winter and see how I pan out at the first race and possibly look into the sport class.

Where I stand right now is a lack of endurance and the neccesary technical abilities for the obstacles in the MNSeries Sport courses.

I have prerode the sport courses so I have a good idea of what I need to work on. I have also been hitting as many trails as possible and have seen great improvement in my handling. My hope is that some winter riding will bring great strides for next year. Who knows maybe even an Ice Race or two.

Now that the MNSCS has ended I am focusing on my final weeks available for training for the Osceola Duathalon. It's taking place Oct 14th if anyone would like to come cheer me on. Its my first ever and my goal is to just finish in one peice!

Ill get some pictures up soon. See ya

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Hola Everyone-

Its late... Im tired, I hope it doesnt show in this entry.

So I thought I would say hi while I am awaiting a back up to complete. Man these things take forever, no wonder I never do them.

So whats new and exciting....

My Cousin had a Baby Boy. They named him Louie after his pops, he looks gorgeous but I havent had a chance to see him in person yet. Cant Wait!!!

My long time friend Sara got married. They are an absolutely gorgeous couple.

More to come. Catch ya later

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Afton and Maplelag

Its been awhile, so I will recap on Afton. I volunteered with Registration and Timing at the 24 hrs of Afton Race. It was alot of fun. What a great group of people! Riders and volunteers alike!

The racers were beat after the event but they all showed up at Maplelag this weekend wearing there Afton Shirts with pride. In the words of Andy ' When we showed up on Saturday after noon, it was like a funeral" Thats what happens when you have hundreds of people up all night riding one of the hardest courses in MN. Bunch of Crazies I tell ya! Even a Lemans Start

I have been joking with some ladies about having our own team for the 24hrs of Afton next year. I may have some serious takers so we will see what happens, WE want to be the Wannabe Wannabes.
This is strictly a fun only event because its going to hurt so bad and I will probably only be able to pull off 2-3 laps and dont want to be worried about letting anyone down.

Another plus side of this event, I spent the late night hours with some awesome guys. Ben Berndt and Tony Scudiero. They are both professional photographers. They are absolutely amazing guys and they were so nice to let me tag along and learn some night photography tricks.

Bummer I didnt have the right gear. NOTE TO SELF. You need a tripod! and now a better camera. One of the main things I learned is that I didnt have all the fancy options needed for sweet night photography. Dang , time to look at new cameras! Ben and Tony have both given me the option to go shooting sometime and I am so excited to take them up 0n there offers. WOOT!!! I love learning!!


If you havent been there, which the odds are that you havent. YOU ARE TOTALLY MISSING OUT!!!! This is my new favorite place in this world. Jay and Jonell Richards along with there mom and pops Jim & Mary run this resort. It is a XC skiing and mountain biking resort. During the winter there are great things to do such as snow shoe, ice skate, take "the Plunge", participate in there talent shows or live entertainment, oh and of course cross country ski. They also have an amazing area filled with games for just hanging out and having a great night.

Hmmmmmm. There is also a steam room, a sauna, a game room with ping pong and foseball, a massage therapist on site. Okay I think you are getting the picture. This place is absoluetly amazing and has alittle bit of fun for everyone.

They have 2-6 meals included per day with the rates depending on how you set it up. I would highly recommended to have as many of there meals as you can. Not only is there friendly happy service, but the food is fresh and fantastic, and its served family style so theres plenty to go around. And dont think that they skimp on the dessert, its served with every meal. And if thats not good enough, they have bottomless cookie jars, coffee and hot cocoa.

OKay, can you tell that I love this place, and thats only the winters months.

A Big Thanks to Jay Richards for hosting the Laddies Loppet this weekend at his great resort. This was by far the best race of the season and the most relaxing.

My race did not go all that well. I think I ate to much at breakfast and found myself with an awful stomach ache at the end of my first lap. I had two more to go and could feel myself losing the battle with myself already. I started off doing so well and stayed out front of most of the ladies through the 2nd lap, I got passed up by two ladies at the start of the final lap and then 2 or 3 more at Suicide hill (which was my expected strong area to be a passin people) and a few gents that I usually beat got me also.

I ended up 7th out of the 12 females racing. Overall this was my worst race so far, but I cant complain. All my other races have gone great, and despite the cramps and almost heaving on the trail. I learned that you always have more on reserve than you think. I also think I have not been pushin myself as hard as I can at all the other races, time to step er up abit.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


So no racing for me this past weekend. I decided to take a week off because I was having a not so good feeling about the Powder Monkey race, and my knee was still in pain from the climbing at Welch so avoiding additional large hills was a plus.

Ive been doing some road riding for a change, It was a pleasant break from trail riding. Plus YAY! My riding buddy with the broken scaphoid is finally back in the saddle! Andy and I were out to dinner with my ridin buddy and her hubby. They were saying that they were kinda happy to have the racing season coming to a close, when WAAHBAM! I realized, jeez I really am also. Racing is a great thing and so much fun but it definately wears one down. Plus you have something going on every single weekend. No time to just sit at home and relax or hang with long lost friends. I have many people that I owe some visits too!

So I am realizing that my recent crashes are because I have not done this amount of physical activity in one year since before I could drive. My mind and body are ready for a month off and a nice refreshing start.

Two of the best races are yet to come, the Laddies Loppet and the Jail Trail. I have been taking it easy and doing some trail walking/running in order to keep in shape but give myself a bit of a break. If the next two races pan out well for me than I have a shot at the overall 1st place spot for my age group for the whole year. SWWEEEETTTTT!

Now I have to make the big decision. Do I train over the winter and race citizen again next year so I can continue taking photos of the races, or Do I train over the winter for the sport class, double my race time and the technical abilities needed to race? It seems logical that I move up to the next class if I pull an overall 1st for the series but thats a big jump, kinda nerve racking!!

Speaking of great photos. My Mother won a photo contest, she actually won two catagories: Peoples Choice and Nature. She was supposed to send me the pic but she has forgotten numerous times, so if your lucky, she will remember and I will come back and post up the photo.

You Know, I am going to look at the Dirt Rag mag and see if they have any info regarding sending in action shots, maybe I could get some photos published. Check ya later!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Welch Jam

This weekend was the 7th MNSCS race and my Birthday. What a great weekend!! We hit up Welch on Saturday to attempt a preride. I met up with Beth in the parking lot and she volunteered to wait for me to get ready so we could preride together. This is awesome because Beth is my competition in the series. Though I feel that she is at a level beyond me and I might not be able to catch her this year.

We started up the first climb (all welch is, is climb after climb after climb) and we slowly began to sink deeper and deeper into the thick substance covering all the trails. After about 10 mins of fighting with the foot deep mud we decided to climb the decent of the prolouge and hit it up backwards. All and All we saw about 1/5 of the course and 1 of the bizzilion hills we would be climbing the following day.

I think it worked out for the best. Had I climbed all the hills on the preride I would have had nothing left for the race.

I came in first in my age group and 3 overall for the women. Not to bad but I was holding out for the 2nd place position. I got beat by a younger gal. After climbing/walking the hills I was spent at the top and spent sometime on the double track recovering. Well Jordan, who is quite the awesome racer would come sprinting by me with a big grin on her face. She loved every minute of passing me up.

Jordan and I played cat and mouse a bit, I would catch her on the singletrack where I had no room to pass, then pass her on the climbs then she would sprint infront of me on the straight aways. We had a good time and warned each other about upcoming sketchy areas and gripped about the upcoming climbs.

In the end, she beat me by 45 secs. I got into a funk near the end and ended up walking my bike down a section, after the section I ran into some fellow team mates taking photos. I swear I was only there for a second, but after the race they said I sat there with them for probably a minute. They were like "what the heck, your racing, GET GOING!" so I suppose I could have had a photo finish. But all in all I was happy about the race and atleast I was beat by deserving folk!

After the race, we had some peace coffee hanging time, I got quoted for an article to be written for the MNSCS series regarding the WElch race. I cant really remember what I said, other than the fact that it included the word "Moist" It outta be an interesting article. Hopefully I sounded smart ; )

We had dinner at Kings Bar & Grill. Great Burgers as usual!!! Then home for a well earned shower and rest.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Great Race

Hey Everyone-

Well, not sure what my last post read, I think it detailed all my crashes and the fact that my knee was not working correctly.

I had posted a group ride for new riders on MORC (Minnesota Off-Road Cyclists Forum) and we had a great turnout. I was unsure if I would be able to ride but I just took up the back and kept it slow and steady. The ride was at the MN River Bottoms, which was the perfect trail for getting the knee back in working order. You can bypass all the technical stuff and it is a nice flat trail. It was a wonderful day!

So Saturday came and it was time to head down to Red Wing for a pre ride of the XC course and to watch some crazy friends race on the Down Hill course. The preride went quite well. I few of my fellow lady riders came along and we had a great time. As far as riding. I was a little nervous due to the knee and it was showing in my speed and technical abilities, but regardless we hit the loop twice and I was feeling pretty good.

The Down HIll race was awesome, I still think Down Hill racers are nuts. A friend Josh lost it and hit a tree, he hurt his back and his (r) wrist but that didnt stop him for taking the 2nd plunge down the narly down hill course. YAY to Josh, Steve, Rich and all the other brave Down Hillers. WAY TO GO!!!!!

afterwards, 4 of us went to Kings and had some great Burgers and a Beer and man were we ready for bed and the big day.

I have to say that this was the funnest race I have done to date. The course is excellent, some nice twisty singletrack. Quite a few climbs but they are doable (you have to work alittle you know). The "Washing Machine" Which is this crazy ribbon of up/down hill sttep switchbacks. You get mad momentum which carries you through all of them, and at each turn downhill there is a nice sized tree you have to shimmy around. Pretty exciting stuff.

Though it was definately all of the 91 degrees! You know a wonderful course when the screaming heat doesnt stop anyone from racing.

I fared very well, Andy and I both took 2nd overall and 1st in our age groups. Thats a pretty sweet turnout if you ask me!!! Though my 2nd overall was only within the ladies, if you bunched me in with the guys I took 38th out of 60, which is still not to bad!

My friends Nita and Neal did their first race and they both were very happy. Its so awesome to introduce new people to this wonderful sport. If you race once, you will totally be addicted so watch out before you come hit up the trails.

Monday, July 23, 2007


Well here I am, a few weeks since my last post and I am all excited for the Memorial Park race this weekend. It has been 4 weeks since I last raced and I cant wait! Oh Wait, I went riding some this last week and the trails were not very nice. Crash #1 at Thursdays Womens Ride involved a slam of my ars into a nice pointy rock. Leaving a very nice softball sized bruise to remember it by. Crash #2 at Mammoth (The feared trail of the twin cities) involved me forgetting to clip out of my pedal and slowing tipping over and over into a dry, rocky creek bed. Not to cool, I almost got pierced by a branch. My hand hurts and my (r) knee was hurt. Crash #3 small jumps over and over and over again, ah where did that log come from. OH SHIT i think thats me upside down flying through the air, what is that?, oh its my bike now in the air, SHITTTT! OUCH, okay this one hurt the worst!
It felt okay after the ride but when it came time to drive home the action of pushing in my clutch at every flipping light on the way home aggravated the injury to the point of having me in tears. I was seriously thinking about hitting up the ER lastnight but opted for calling the BCBS Nurse Line. They are always so helpful. Since I started this Mountain Biking Sport, myself and the nurses at the hotline have become very good friends!
So I decided to play hookie from work today because I couldnt walk last night, and this morning I was looking quite gimpy. I got in my car, pushed in the clutch and ohhh the pain, its baccccckkkkk! So needless to say I stayed home and have been keeping my leg up. Hoping and Praying that it will be better.
This week I have scheduled to take a group of new mountain bikers to the MN River bottoms for a meet and greet ride, Thursday was a group ride with the ladies where we are planning a happy mooning event. HEHEHE! and Friday was a day I was taking a future racing chick out to Memorial trail for a preride and Sunday is the well awaited race. So needless to say, a very busy week where I am in much need of a working knee and I again hope and pray that i will be able to take part in all this good stuff.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Oh so Tired

Hey Everyone-

So I rode to Lebanon on Tuesday, did one lap and headed home. It was the toughest ride Ive had in a long time. The weddings, booze, and icecream from the weekend did not have a positive effect. (go figure) I then joined a MORC Ladies ride at Elk River yesterday which went fabulous. I was Happy to feel strong and fluid again. I so love that trail!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Hillside Rocks

So my friend Jodi and I went to Elkriver yesterday to ride the Hillside MTB trails. This was our first time and it took 80 mins to complete the 7.25 mile loop. Now at Lebanon we can finish off the 10 mile loop in 35-40 mins.

Elk River is absolutely amazing, there are short-fast climbs, tons of uphill switchbacks (which are my specialty), some nice steeps, and a whole lot of roots. It gave me a chance to test out my up and coming cornering abilities. It went well, I had a great ride and was proud of the rate in which we hit it for the first time out.

We started out going " YAY, this trail rocks, lets do two laps" Then as we progressed and hit more and more hills we ended up " A Beer and some dinner sounds good" Yep, Yep and off we went with a plan to hit up the trail again on Monday.

I worked on getting my knee out for stabilization and getting down into my handlebars while cornering. This technique made me feel much more at my center of gravity and I was definately able to take the corners faster. I also hit everycorner no matter how sharp or steep, which, if you have ridden with me, is quite amazing!

I watched a video at which showed you how to do up & down hill switchbacks and positioning for steeps. I have actually watched the video 3 times and this was the first time out that I was comfortable with everything else on the trail so I was actually able to apply the downhill switchback techniques. It worked wonders, its all about picking your lines as usual but I wasnt able to incorporate that with my cornering until now. This is a great big step forward in my skills and Hillside was a perfect place to try it out!!

The other thing I have been working on is getting out of my saddle and putting my weight over my rear tire. I have been hitting the tops of climbs out of my saddle which creates greater power and a quicker climbs which is awesome, its starting to feel natural. I also worked on getting my ass over that rear tire while going down those steeps. This is turning out to be alittle tricky as I have a wide seat and wide thighs that dont want to spread to let my seat through. With a little practice I think it will work. As of now, I was just happy to get my backend back a little bit.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

This is it

This is my first attempt at blogging. I think it will be fun to watch it progress if I am able to stick with it. If you don't know me, I am a bit of a procrastinator so this may be my only entry.

The MNSCS MTB race season started in May. I've participated in two of them so far, Steeplechase and Mont Du Lac.

Racing is a wonderful experience and I would recommend it to everyone. I race in the citizen category which is for beginners. Yes, I am a beginner! I have been riding my bike again for about 4 months. It is amazing the leaps and bounds of progress you can make on a bike. The sad part is, I went on a women's group ride last night and the 3 newbies (their 2nd time on single track) Did everything I did! Its taken me 4 months to get where I'm at, then the Newbies come in and knock my socks off. They all said that they never would have rode the track had we not all been there for them, maybe I should have found a group early on and I would be that much further into my progress. Oh Well, you cant change the past and I am getting more confident everyday.

Each time I hit the trail I am working on a new "problem" area. So far I have worked on my cornering, technical rock garden skills, steps, and log piles. Each time one area starts growing in skill level another area seems to fall off all together so I am usually working on something new every 2 weeks. I feel that it is keeping all my skills at the same level.

I am finding that I am a complete chicken on my bike, I had a few major crashes last season and I am finding it very hard to break through the mental block of fear. I need to work on my down hill skills and on pushing my limits a little more. There is this stance, not sure what it is called but it is where a persons body squares off with the bike, they do it going down hills, Yeah, I don't do that. I think that I need to get out on the street and just practice all those basic skills I'm supposed to have, but I do not. Another thing I am currently working on is getting down into my handlebars and into the trail. I just got to remember that dang center of gravity.

I want to give a shout out to my friend Paul Hansen- He is a Pro Rider for Team Bear Naked/Cannondale. I have been posting my photos of the races on his site and following his career. Its pretty cool, check him out and check out my photos of the races.