Thursday, December 18, 2008

Schoooools out for Summer, or atleast two weeks aanyways

Finished up my last of five finals last night. WOOHOO! It went fairly well so I can't complain, I think that they all went pretty well! I am tired and looking forward to a few weeks with friends, family and just some good ol plain relaxing. I have 3 sets of photos to get through, I have been slacking alittle bit on that part of my life since midterms, things were just too crazy. I hope to push through all three sets this weekend so I have absoluetly nothing on my plate for the next two weeks. Well I guess except for my upcoming shoot at the LeDuc Mansion in Hastings, MN. I think this is going to be an exceptionally fun shoot though! And I get to see some good friends during and after which is a huge bonus!! I will, really I will this time get some photos posted for everyone to see.

I would like to thank all the fellow mtbers and other folks for supporting me in my photography adventures! Its been a great ride and I have been so lucky to be part of so many peoples wonderful experiences, and theres many more to come in 2009!

Happy Holidays!!


justme said...

SWEEET!! Enjoy your time off!!

You are shooting at the LeDuc Mansion?!!?!!! OMGosh, I am so jealous! What for? I want to tour that place really bad...we went a few years ago when they were having tours, but they were booked for the next couple of tours, and I was pregnant, and didn't feel like hanging around and waiting...Will have to try again some day.

goin-crazy said...

Yeah! A break from school!

Glad to hear your finals went well and you are getting some time off.